Board Adopts a Starry & Irving Crosswalk Resolution
You can help: Fill out the Survey. Look for the RED BELL next to your member name. You'll find a link to a survey!
One of the great things about our neighborhood is that it is very walk-able. Most of us have discovered that walking our streets is a safe way to get exercise and a great way to meet neighbors. Many of us also like to cross Irving Rd to walk the neighborhoods north of us. Even though we have a bus bench on Starry, some of our kids walk or ride bikes to Irving Elementary School using the Starry Lane-Golf Course Road route - often dodging fast-moving vehicles to get across Irving.
In the past few months Irving Road traffic seems to be increasing and cars seem to be moving faster and with less caution. Crossing Irving Road is dangerous! It is made more dangerous because there is not crosswalk at our corner.
The HOA has adopted a Resolution calling for a safe crossing at Starry Lane & Irving Road of the "Yellow 'Stutter Flash' Pedestrian Crossing type seen in many neighborhoods in Eugene but no where on Irving Road.
This resolution will be presented to City, County & School District official early in January. If you agree, please consider contacting them and express your opinion:
Cassidy Mills
Lane County Transportation Planning Supervisor
email: [email protected]
Phone: 541-682-6996
Lyndsie Leech
Eugene City Council, Ward 7
[email protected]
Phone: 541-682-8347
Fax: 541-682-5414
Dr. Rachel Tochen
Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Bethel School District
Email: [email protected]
541-688-9612 Ext. 3212
If you have questions, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
2025 Board Officers & Committees
President: Rick Rogers, Borders Dr.
VP: Open Seat
Treasurer: Barbara Thomas, Borders Dr.
Secretary: John Vaille, Borders Dr.
Member: Brad Werneth, Crowther Dr.
Member Sean McGarry, Borders Dr.
Member: Open
Member: Open
ACC (Paint, Landscaping & Fence Approvals): Brad Werneth & Sean McGarry
CCR Compliance: Rick Rogers, John Vaille & Sean McGarry
Painting, Fencing or Landscaping?
Before you do, contact the Architectural Control Committee. Your CCRs require you have its OK before you begin any exterior remodeling, building, painting, or landscaping projects. More information and an electronic application. ACC Review Requests
Real Estate or Title Company Enquiries
Use this link Property Sales HOA Addendum or email [email protected]
Resource for Residents
Have a question about Glenn Haven, its HOA or CCR? Hit this link Glenn Haven FAQ
Glenn Haven Homeowners’ Association
P.O. Box 40153
Eugene OR 97404-0023
[email protected]
This site is intended solely for the use of the owners and residents of the Glenn Haven subdivision in Eugene Oregon. The documents and images provided here are to help our neighborhood thrive. Any unauthorized use of these materials is expressly prohibited.